contact Michelle

For more information about any resources I have to offer, please contact me here!  I'd love to hear from you!

Portland, OR

It’s my joy and honor to equip dads with practical tools to better dial into their daughters’ hearts.

With 25 years of experience as a licensed professional counselor and over 35 years working directly with teens and young adult women. Dr. Michelle Watson brings practical wisdom to dads with daughters of all ages.


Hi there! 

I'm so happy that you stopped by to learn a little bit more about my work with fathers and daughters. I have videos, a bi-weekly blog, and even free resources (and who doesn't like free, eh?!) all designed to support you in reaching your relationship goals, whether you are a daughter or a dad. 

Now here’s a little bit about me: 

  • I thrived as a single woman and then got married at the age of 60!

Yes, you read that right! I got married for the first time…at the age of 60…during Covid! On Fathers Day weekend in June of 2020 I married a widower, and now have the privilege of being part of the Canfield clan of 25 (14 of them being grandkids!)

My husband is Dr. Ken Canfield who founded the National Center for Fathering in 1990 and together we co-chair the Father-Daughter Initiative. It’s a joy to partner with a man who is as passionate about championing dads as I am.

  • I’m a licensed licensed professional counselor with a PhD

I have a clinical counseling practice that is based in Portland, Oregon for the past 27 years. I now live in Fayetteville, Arkansas and am seeing clients via Telehealth and in-person sessions when I travel back to Portland. 

Truth be told, I love counseling even more now than when I started in 1997. And when people often ask me, “how can you stand to listen to people’s problems all day?”, the answer I always give is that “I have a front row seat to seeing God show up and that makes it the best job in the world!”

  • I’ve had so much fun traveling the country speaking at men’s conferences… and I look forward to venues to open back up once Covid restrictions are lifted and we can meet together again.

  • I’ve been writing the Dad-Daughter Friday Blog since 2014 and dads often write me saying that it’s helpful to have insider tips on how to relate better to their daughters.

  • I love investing in teens and young women.

I have also had the privilege of being up close and personal to girls and young women in their teens and 20’s over the past 40+ years in roles as camp counselor, mentor, teacher, speaker, and mental health therapist. With that background, coupled with the fact that I am the oldest of four girls, I guess you could say that I have a fairly thorough working knowledge of “all things female.”

I invite you now to take some time and look around my website—dads and daughters alike—where you’ll find practical action steps to engage and strengthen relationships.

~ Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield